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Issue 34 |
Fall 1984

Contributors' Notes

by Staff



DeWitt Henry

Peter O'Malley

Coordinating Editors for This Issue

Anne Bernays

Justin Kaplan

Managing Editor

Susannah Lee


Randolph Bates is associate director of the writing program at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts. His poems and stories have appeared in
Southern Review, New Orleans Review, Seattle Review, and others.

Sissela Bok is a lecturer at Harvard University. Her book,
Secrets: On the Ethics of Concealment and Revelation, appeared in 1983.

Terri Payne Butler started her first diary at the age of ten. She is a transplanted Californian living near Boston, a producer of public television, and, at 38, a new mother.

Ethan Canin has taught fiction writing at the University of Iowa and helped edit
The Iowa Review. He lives in Cambridge, Mass. and is a student at Harvard Medical School.

Gary Clevidence has been a college teacher in Washington State and sailed along the coast. He now lives with his wife and daughter in Middletown, Conn. and is working on a book on the anthropology of death.

Jay Daly, a former Teaching Fellow in the Writing Program at Boston University, is Director of the Lincoln (Mass.) Public Library. Harper & Row published his first novel,
Walls, in 1980.

Annie Dillard is the mother of Rosie Clevidence. Her
Encounters with Chinese Writers will be coming from Wesleyan University Press in September.

Cheri Fein's poems and fiction have appeared in
Partisan Review, American Poetry Review, and
Pequod. She has been awarded an NEA fellowship and grants from the N.Y. State Council on the Arts.

Robert Ellis Gordon received an M.F.A. from the Iowa Writers Workshop in 1979 and was a James Michener Creative Writing Fellow during 1983. He lives in Port Townsend, Washington.

Roberta Gordon has published stories in
Ascent and
Confrontation and nonfiction in
The Washington Monthly, Learning, and various newspapers. She teaches French at Salem State College.

Philip L. Greene is Professor of English at Adelphi University, Garden City, N.Y. He is the author of a novel and two O. Henry Award stories; his recent work has appeared in
The Literary Review.

Kenneth Lash is a contributing editor of
North American Review, which published his book
A Lot for the Money: Stories, Poems, Essays (1982). He lives on Cape Cod.

Robert A. Rosenstone, Professor of History at the California Institute of Technology, is author of
Crusade of the Left: The Lincoln Battalion in the Spanish Civil War and
Romantic Revolutionary: A Biography of John Reed.

Philip Simmons is from Boston and currently lives in St. Louis, where he is in the Writer's Program at Washington University. This is his first published story.

Domenic Stansberry teaches writing at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He recently completed his first novel and is now working on a book-length biography of John Gardner.

Lewis Turco directs the Program in Writing Arts at the SUNY College in Oswego, N.Y. His story, "Vincent," was included in the 1983 first round of the PEN/NEA Syndicated Fiction Project.

Irene Wanner, an assistant fiction editor of
The Seattle Review, was a book reviewer for the
Seattle Post-Intelligencer for five years. Her fiction has appeared in
Antaeus, Bennington Review, Northwest Review, and other magazines.

Marjorie Waters was James Underwood Crockett's collaborator on the books based on Crockett's Victory Garden. She is working on a collection of family memoirs, of which "Still Life" is the first to be published.