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Issue 49 |
Fall 1989

Contributors' Notes

by Staff


Coordinating Editor for This Issue

James Carroll


DeWitt Henry

Peter O'Malley

Managing Editor / Associate Fiction Editor

Don Lee

Assistant Editor

David Daniel

Editorial Assistant

Elizabeth Detwiler

Copy Editor

Mariette Lippo

Thanks this issue to:

Kathleen Anderson and Bob Soorian; our intern Ivan Kreilkamp; and our readers Billie Ingram, Mariette Lippo, Elizabeth Detwiler, Jim Mulhern, Keith Jardim, Sarah Dillingham, Kathy Herold, and Nina Nickles.


Tony Ardizzone's recent books include
Heart of the Order, which received the Virginia Prize for Fiction, and
The Evening News, winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction. His story "Larabi's Ox" was given
Prairie Schooner's 1988 Lawrence Foundation-Award. He teaches in the graduate writing program at Indiana University.

Rick Bass's stories and essays have appeared in
The Paris Review, Esquire, Harper's, Antaeus, The Quarterly, Gentleman's Quarterly, and other magazines, and have been widely anthologized. A short story collection.
The Watch, was published by W. W. Norton this year, and a collection of essays,
Oil Notes, was published by Seymour Lawrence/Houghton Mifflin. Another essay collection,
Winter, is forthcoming in January.

Paul Buttenwieser writes fiction and practices psychiatry in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His most recent novel,
Their Pride and Joy, appeared in paperback last year.

Annie Dillard has written eight books, including
The Writing Life, published this month.

Jennifer Egan's short fiction has appeared in
The North American Review and
The New Yorker, and will be forthcoming in

Jeffrey Goodell is a writer living in New York City.

Judith Grossman is the author of a novel,
Her Own Terms (Soho Press, 1988), and teaches literature and writing in the Boston area.

Alice Hoffman is the author of seven novels, including
At Risk and
Illumination Night. "Sleep Tight" is a selection from her forthcoming novel,
Seventh Heaven.

Ward Just was born in 1935. He is the author of two collections of short stories and eight novels, of which the latest is
Jack Gance.

Robie Macauley is a critic and fiction writer who lives in Boston.

Cynthia Nartonis's work has been widely collected and exhibited, most recently at the Mary Ryan Gallery in New York City. She has been developing her unique process of making screen monoprints over the last six years.

Barbara Nodine, who lives in Madison, Wisconsin, has published short stories in
Ascent, Kansas Quarterly, and
Carolina Quarterly.

George Packer's
The Village of Waiting, an account of his years in the Peace Corps in West Africa, was published last year by Vintage Departures/Random House. His fiction, essays, and reviews have appeared in
The Virginia Quarterly, The New York Times Book Review, The Village Voice, Mother Jones, The Nation, and

Pamela Painter's story collection,
Getting to Know the Weather, won the Great Lakes College Association New Writer Award in 1986. Since then her stories have been published in
Harper's, Mademoiselle, and other magazines, and are forthcoming in
The Atlantic and
Kenyon Review. She is a founding editor of

Christopher Tilghman's stories have appeared recently in
The Virginia Quarterly Review and
Sewanee Review. He was selected by Andre Dubus as a "Fiction Discovery" in
Ploughshares, Vol. 14, Nos. 2 & 3. "In a Father's Place" is the title story of his first collection due out in May 1990 from Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

Theodore Weesner is the author of
The Car Thief, A German Affair, and
The True Detective. His short fiction has been published in
The New Yorker, Esquire, The Atlantic Monthly, and many other periodicals.