Anne Whitehouse

Anne Whitehouse’s poetry collections include Outside from the InsideMeteor ShowerThe Refrain and Blessings and Cursesas well as a novel, Fall LoveHer chapbook, Surrealist Muse, is about the artist and writer Leonora Carrington. Her poems, short stories, reviews, and feature articles have appeared in publications throughout the English-speaking world. Recently she has been writing and publishing essays about Edgar Allan Poe: Poe vs Himself,  Poe and Chivers  and The Imp of the Perverse. “Whitehouse crafts quietly elegant poems in which the seemingly simple surfaces contain striking profundities and deeply felt experience,” wrote John Vanderslice in Santa Fe Writers Project. “These poems portray exactly what they intend to portray, true feelings and a quest to understand our physical and spiritual existence… Whitehouse doesn’t judge, and she never gives too much, but she always gives up something that sticks,” wrote Ron Gaskill in Jerseyworks. Boston Literary Magazine said, “Heartfelt, profound, and deeply insightful, her poems matter. A lot.” Of Fall Love, Elaine Hughes of First Draft wrote, “Whitehouse’s poetic handling of language and of sensuous detail is superb…she conveys powerfully the cruel effects of all those coincidences of life.” Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, she lives in New York City and Columbia County, New York.

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