Barry Wallenstein

Barry Wallenstein is the author of six collections of poetry, the most recent being Tony’s World (Birch Brook Press, 2010). His poetry has appeared in over 100 journals, including Ploughshares, The Nation, Centennial Review, and American Poetry Review. His 1971 analytical text Visions & Revisions: The Poet’s Practice (T.Y. Crowell), was reissued in a new and expanded edition by Broadview Press (2002). In 2011 New York Quarterly Books will publish Drastic Dislocations: New and Selected Poems. Among his awards are the Poetry Society of America’s Lyric Poetry Prize (l985), a Pushcart Poetry Prize Nomination (2010), resident fellowships to The Macdowell Colony (1995), Hawthornden Castle in Scotland (1999) and in 2008, he traveled to Spain for a residency at Fundacion Valparaiso. Between June 2002 and June 2008, he was part of the poetry faculty at the Bear River Writers’ Conference in upper Michigan. A special interest of his is presenting poetry readings in collaboration with jazz. He has made six recordings of his poetry with jazz, the most recent being Euphoria Ripens (2008). The CD was listed one of the “Best New Releases” in the journal All About Jazz (December 2008). He is an Emeritus Professor of literature and creative writing at the City University of New York and an editor of the journal American Book Review. As a Professor of English at City College he founded and directed the Poetry Outreach Center, and for 35 years coordinated the city-wide Annual Spring Poetry Festival.

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