Gunnhild Øyehaug

Gunnhild Øyehaug (born 1975) lives in Bergen, Norway. She debuted with the poetry collection The Slave of the Blueberry in 1998. Since then, she has published a short-story collection, Knots (Cappelen, 2004); an essay collection, Chair and Ecstasy (Cappelen, 2006); and two novels, Wait, Blink (Gyldendal, 2008) and Undis Brekke (Kolon Forlag, 2014). She has also written the screenplay for the movie Women in Oversized Men’s Shirts (in cooperation with director Yngvild Sve Flikke), based on her novel Wait, Blink, which opened in cinemas in Norway in March 2015. Øyehaug has a degree in comparative literature and is a teacher at the Academy of Creative Writing in Bergen. She has received several awards for her writing, among others the prestigious Sult Prize (2009) and the Dobloug Prize (2009).

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