James Reidel

You’re like James Tate, but with a brain.-Heather McHugh

James Reidel was born in Cincinnati and educated at Columbia and Rutgers universities. He is a poet and the author of Vanished Act: The Life and Art of Weldon Kees (University of Nebraska Press, 2003). He also translates the poetry of Thomas Bernhard, Ingeborg Bachmann, and, currently, Franz Werfel. He has published his own work in The New Yorker, Conjunctions, The Paris Review, Ploughshares, TriQuarterly, Ironwood, Verse, The New Criterion, and numerous other journals-including such online publications as the Cortland Review, The Adirondack Review, and Pieran Springs. A chapbook, A Great Reckoning in a Little Room, selected by David Rigsbee, will be published by Pudding House in spring 2005. Two interviews and selections of Reidel’s recent poetry can be found at Adirondack Review and Pierian Springs .

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