L.C. Fiore

L.C. Fiore’s debut novel, Green Gospel, was named First Runner-Up in the 2012 Eric Hoffer Book Awards (General Fiction); short-listed for the 2011 Balcones Fiction Prize; and long-listed for the Crook’s Corner Book Prize (2013). His fiction has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, New South, storySouth, and Wascana Review, among many others, and has been anthologized in Sudden Flash Youth: 65 Short Short Stories (Persea Books, 2011) and Tattoos (Main Street Rag, 2012). An award-winning short-story writer and editor, his work has also appeared on NPR, TriQuarterly Review, and in various baseball publications. He is the communications director for the North Carolina Writers’ Network and lives in Durham, NC, with his wife and daughter. His website is www.lcfiore.com, and you can also follow him on Twitter: @lc_fiore.

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