Michael Tyrell

Michael Tyrell lives in Brooklyn, New York, where he was born. His collection of poems, The Wanted, is forthcoming from the National Poetry Review Press. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Agni, American Letters & Commentary, The Canary, Dragonfire, Harvard Review, Nerve.com, The New England Review, The Paris Review, Western Humanities Review, The Yale Review, and other magazines. He is also a prose writer and an actor who has trained privately and with the Atlantic and Looking Glass theatre companies. His awards include the Baffin Award for Best Supporting Actor (NYU), the James Merrill Writing Residency, the John Ciardi Scholarship of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and several nominations for the Pushcart Prize. His manuscript of poems has been a runner-up in several national competitions, including the Yale Series of Younger Poets and The Paris Review Poetry Prize, the New York/New England Award, the Beatrice Hawley Award, and the Walt Whitman Award. Broken Land, an anthology of poems he edited with Julia Kasdorf, will be published in April, 2007 by NYU Press. Three of his children’s books, chronicling the adventures of Krypto, Superman’s dog, were published by Scholastic, Inc., in 2006. His book reviews have appeared in Boston Review, The Common Review, Harvard Review, The New Yorker, TimeOut New York, and Us Weekly. He is a graduate of New York University and the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. A former editorial assistant at The New Yorker and awards director of The Academy of American Poets, Michael serves as the Book Review Editor of Chelsea. Check out his fiction in the anthology Cool Thing (Running Press, 2008). Michael Tyrell is a Language Lecturer at New York University.

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