Rosanna Warren

Rosanna Warren was born in Fairfield, Connecticut, in 1953, the daughter of celebrated writers Robert Penn Warren and Eleanor Clark. A painter and a translator, in addition to being a poet, Warren has published four books of poems ( Snow Day, Each Leaf Shines Separate, Stained Glass, which won the Lamont Poetry Prize, and Departure), and was a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets (her term ended in 2005). She has also published a translation of Euripides’s Suppliant Women (with Stephen Scully) and edited several books, including The Art of Translation: Voices from the Field (Northeastern, 1989). Her awards include the Pushcart Prize, the Award of Merit in Poetry and the Witter Bynner Prize from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the May Sarton Prize, the Lavan Younger Poets Award from the Academy of American Poets, the Ingram Merrill Foundation Award, the Ingram Merrill Grant for Poetry, a Lila Wallace Readers Digest Award, the Nation/”Discovery” Award, and fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the American Council of Learned Societies. She teaches Comparative Literature at Boston University.