S. L. Wisenberg

S.L. Wisenberg's short story collection, The Sweetheart Is In, was released in April 2001 by TriQuarterly Books/Northwestern University Press. Her essay collection, Holocaust Girls: History, Memory & Other Obsessions, is forthcoming in 2002 from the University of Nebraska Press. The title essay was published in Ploughshares. Her stories, essays and articles have appeared in many anthologies and dozens of magazines and newspapers, including The New Yorker, Tikkun, Creative Nonfiction, North American Review, and the Miami Herald. In 2001 she published or has work forthcoming in the Chicago Tribune, In These Times, Chicago Reader and Crab Orchard Review. She has been awarded a Pushcart Prize and fellowships from the Illinois Arts Council and Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. Wisenberg leads writing workshops in the Chicago area.

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