Uche Okonkwo

Uche Okonkwo lives in Lagos, Nigeria, where she works as managing editor at one of Nigeria’s leading independent publishers. She has an MA in Creative Writing from University of Manchester, UK (2012-2013), and she won the inaugural Africa-wide Etisalat Flash Fiction (2013) Prize. In 2016, she was selected to participate in a trans-Nigerian road trip project by Invisible Borders, with the aim of documenting Nigeria’s history and diversity. Her essay, ‘What the Road Offers’ (published by Invisible Borders in 2016 as a limited-edition chapbook) was the product of the project. Uche’s work has appeared in The Manchester AnthologyEllipsisPer ContraThe Ember JournalAfreada and others, and is forthcoming in Lagos Noir by Akashic Books. She will be attending a writing residency at Omi International Arts Centre, Ledig House, New York, in March 2017.


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