William Allen

Bearing Keen Witness comes from Ten Commandments, series of etchings publishjed by Mark Patsfall Editions, 2000. William Allen is the author of Sevastopol: On Photographs of War (Xenos Press, 1997) and The Man on the Moon (New York University/Persea Press, 1987). A visual artist and past teacher at New York University, the Cooper Union, and the School of Visual Arts, he has shown his work widely, including the Museum of Modern Art, Newark Art Museum, the Whitney Biennial 1988, Carl Solway Gallery and others. He has published five serial editions with Mark Patsfall Editions in Cincinnati, Ohio and has received grants from Yaddo Corporation, Art Matters, Breadloaf Writers Conference, and the German D.A.A.D. Recent poems are out in Ploughshares, Crab Orchard Review, A.C.M., Chelsea, the American Voice, New Letters, Denver Quarterly, Indiana Review, and the Laurel Review and he is included in Andrei Codrescu’s Twentieth Century Poets Say Goodbye to the Twentieth Century (Four Walls/Eight Windows Press, 1997). He has hypertext works at the Electronic Literature site (www.eliterature.org) and www.ekphrases.com. He currently works for an educational software company, teaches an online writing class at U. Mass Lowell, and lives in Providence, RI with his sculptor wife and thirteen-year old daughter, who wants to be a writer.

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