As we launch a new blog format for the new year, we’re also looking back at all the great posts since the blog started in 2009. Our roundups explore the archives and gather past posts around a certain theme to help you jump-start your week. This week we have posts on writing centers. Chances are, there…
Santiago, an elderly Cuban fisherman, has gone 84 days without a catch. His apprentice, Manolin, still likes him, but his parents have made him go work with a more successful fisherman. So on day 85 of his Bad Luck Streak, Santiago sails his skiff out alone, beyond the usual shallows.
In distance running circles, we talk about the “shelf life” of our legs. The hips, knees, ankles, and feet can sustain only so much wear and tear before they start to give out. What does impending expiration look like? One day I run a solid 8-miler; the next day I can’t pull my right leg…
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