Author: Amelia Brown

The Destruction of the World in Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead

The Destruction of the World in Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead

Olga Tokarczuk’s newly translated novel has been marketed as a murder mystery, albeit a strange one. It is that, partly, but underneath the whodunit is another novel: one about how our obsession with usefulness leads to greed, and the devastating impact of both on the environment.

Shifting Perspective in Anne Carson’s Autobiography of Red

Shifting Perspective in Anne Carson’s Autobiography of Red

Carson’s novel is driven by unlatching being: her protagonist’s narration progresses from the self-absorption of childhood through adolescence and into the comparative wisdom of young adulthood. Carson shows this journey primarily through changes in the way that the outside world, and those who live in it, are observed.