Author: Ariel Katz

Foreignness and Familiarity in Mavis Gallant’s “Mlle. Dias de Corta”

Foreignness and Familiarity in Mavis Gallant’s “Mlle. Dias de Corta”

Mavis Gallant’s “Mlle. Dias de Corta” unfolds more like a novel than a short story. It’s a second-person address to a tenant the narrator, an aging, xenophobic French widow, had twenty years before—a young actress, Alda Dias de Corta, whom the widow took in “for companionship rather than income.”

Conversations about Trees: Engagement and Retreat in Brecht, Rich, and Marvell

Conversations about Trees: Engagement and Retreat in Brecht, Rich, and Marvell

Nature offers the comforting suggestion of continuity, an awareness of scale; it can be both menacing and welcoming; it’s fertile ground for symbol and simile. However, in times of heightened political tension, poems about trees can feel like a cop-out, or especially irrelevant.