Author: Cathe Shubert

Round-Down: What You Should Know Going Into GO SET A WATCHMAN

Round-Down: What You Should Know Going Into GO SET A WATCHMAN

Today, July 14, is an auspicious day in literary news: Harper Lee’s much anticipated, and controversial, Go Set A Watchman is officially released across the world. An event for the record books–the title already broke the pre-order record held by the Harry Potter series and promises to break still others before the week is done—many…

Round-Down: eBooks on the Go

Round-Down: eBooks on the Go

Two new partnerships with digital media distribution platforms are allowing publishers to make it even easier to get electronic books in the hands of travelers this month. On May 6, Kobo, a Rakuten company, and Global Eagle Entertainment, Inc. launched a reading platform that will allow Southwest Airlines passengers to access, through their personal WiFi-enabled devices, a…

Round-Down: Poetry, Memoir, and the Ever-Shifting “I”

Round-Down: Poetry, Memoir, and the Ever-Shifting “I”

Recently, a trend has emerged: more and more poets are turning to memoir. In the last two weeks alone I have read essays by Tracy K. Smith about her new memoir and reviews of Elizabeth Alexander’s. Both detail the reasons for the authors’ switch in form, making me wonder, as Smith does in her essay, if prose offers something…

Round-Down: Is the “Most Challenged Books of 2014” List Real?

Round-Down: Is the “Most Challenged Books of 2014” List Real?

As anyone ever tasked with disciplining a child (or heck, even anyone who has ever been a child) can attest, telling someone they are forbidden from accessing something only makes that person more likely to want that particular thing. Case in personal point: when I was about thirteen, my parents came home from a trip…

Round-Down: Young or Old, Why Do We Write?

One essential question rises out of the hullabaloo of conflicting opinions broadcast in Cynthia Ozick’s philosophical essay in the New York Times on old vs. new writers and The New Republic’s Phoebe Maltz Bovy’s prickly response: Why do we write? Both essays are well written, thoughtful, and make excellent points worth considering for writers of…