Author: Franny Zhang

The Boat’s Interrogation of “Ethnic Literature”

The Boat’s Interrogation of “Ethnic Literature”

Questions about “ethnic literature,” its place, and its limits permeate Nam Le’s 2008 short story collection. As he interrogates the term as a sweeping generalization for many kinds of writing, he also explores the conflict around what it means to be Vietnamese and a writer but not necessarily a Vietnamese writer.

The Value of the Third-Person Perspective in Evicted

The Value of the Third-Person Perspective in Evicted

The problematic nature of evictions has come to greater prominence in recent weeks. Such attention is gratifying and long overdue, and in this context, Matthew Desmond’s 2016 book offers an important example of how writing can speak on complex social problems while being respectful of the subject matter and never losing sight of what matters.