Author: Jason Katz

side by side series of the cover of A SinkingShip Is Still a Ship

“If somebody translates your poem and you consider going back to revise it, that’s a good translation.”: An Interview with Ariel Francisco

Francisco’s newest book, presented simultaneously in English and Spanish, is that of a young poet matured, leaning into the naturalist observations present in his previous work and writing haiku with the precision and wisdom of a sure-handed veteran—while infusing them with a trademark sardonic wit.

book cover for The Reef by Juan Villoro

“We are forgetting what has already happened in Cancún”: An Interview with Juan Villoro

The satirization of the all-inclusive resort, a symbol of international tourism, could only be accomplished in a meaningful way by a titan of Mexican letters like Juan Villoro. Not only does he have the qualifications, but he has a unique capacity to create absurdist characters.