Author: Laura Spence-Ash

Fiction Responding to Fiction: Anton Chekhov and Joyce Carol Oates

Fiction Responding to Fiction: Anton Chekhov and Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates’s story “The Lady with the Pet Dog” is a clear response to Anton Chekhov’s classic story “The Lady with the Little Dog.” Almost seventy-five years separate the two stories, and Oates, through her modifications, clearly modernizes the story, retelling the story through a feminist lens.

Fiction Responding to Fiction: Vladimir Nabokov and Lorrie Moore

Fiction Responding to Fiction: Vladimir Nabokov and Lorrie Moore

Lorrie Moore’s story “Referential,” published in the New Yorker in 2012 and included in her 2014 collection Bark, is a clear homage to and reflection of Vladimir Nabokov’s story “Symbols and Signs,” published in 1948 in the New Yorker and included in his collection Nabokov’s Dozen a decade later.