Author: Patricia Caspers

In a greyscale photo, a woman stands in front of a window.

Hearing Voices: Women Versing Life presents Wendy Mnookin & Daughters Writing Grief

I first heard Wendy Mnookin read her work during AWP, and later I discovered our odd, unfortunate commonality: Both of our fathers were killed in car accidents. The circumstances differ greatly, but the impulse to write about death, to look at it from every direction, is the same, so this week I asked Mnookin to…

Three photos of the author and advocate Deborah Clearman side-by-side.

Hearing Voices: Women Versing Life presents: Deborah Clearman

“You can say anything with kindness” is the oft-repeated phrase of most professors in writing workshops. It’s a reminder, of course, to speak the truth in our criticism of each other’s work, but to speak it gently. It’s one way to make the workshop environment feel safe and comfortable. Most of the time it works,…

A young Phillis Wheatly sits poised ready to write with one hand holding a pen and paper, the other propped under her chin.

Hearing Voices: Women Versing Life presents Phillis Wheatley

Now you’re on an auction block, struggling to stand, naked except for a scrap of blanket wrapped around your shoulders. You watch as money exchanges hands and realize that you are owned now, someone’s belonging. These new people call you Phillis, again and again, as if the name your parents gave you is easily discarded,…

Three images of The Pomegranate Papers side-by-side. A pomegranate cut in half with seeds spilling onto and staining a book page.

Hearing Voices: Women Versing Life presents The Pomegranate Papers

As the recent VIDA graphs all too clearly indicate, there’s a wide disparity between the number of men and the number of women published in well-known literary journals. One explanation for the lack of women’s voices in literature may be that so many of us tend to our careers in the small gaps between making…