Author: Steph Auteri

Book Recommendations To Bring You Closer to Inner Peace… or a Stronger Yoga Practice

Book Recommendations To Bring You Closer to Inner Peace… or a Stronger Yoga Practice

  A few weeks ago, when I learned that Brian Leaf had just come out with a new book, I literally squee’d. I’d loved his previous book, Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi, and this new one—Misadventures of a Parenting Yogi—aimed to hit two of my sweet spots: my yoga addiction and my impending motherhood. Yes, I realize my last book…

Book Recommendations That Indulge Your Addiction to That Feeling of Creeping Horror

Book Recommendations That Indulge Your Addiction to That Feeling of Creeping Horror

I was going through a major book slump this past month, and it was driving me crazy. I scanned my way through a how-to that felt flimsy. I rushed through one memoir that felt a bit all over the place, and abandoned another one after reading a single chapter. I made it more than halfway…

How to Charm the Pants Off an Editor with the Power of Your Words

How to Charm the Pants Off an Editor with the Power of Your Words

I have to imagine that, within the Ploughshares community, there are just about as many writers as readers: those who love stringing words together, seeing how they taste when they read them back to themselves… Those who continue to look for the best words with which to hit readers in the gut with the greatest possible impact….

Book Recommendations for All You Budding Freelance Writer Entrepreneur-Types

Book Recommendations for All You Budding Freelance Writer Entrepreneur-Types

This past winter has been a hellishly bleak and frigid ice-scape, filled with dark mornings, dark nights, burst steam pipes, and broken furnaces. And frankly, it’s been hard to get myself motivated to do the work people are paying me for, let alone the personal projects that will someday bring me literary acclaim. Still, despite…

Book Recommendations for Those Looking to Transform Their Lives

Book Recommendations for Those Looking to Transform Their Lives

It’s late February, the time by which most New Year’s resolutions slowly fizzle out and die—assuming they didn’t already crash and burn weeks ago. What!? Me, cynical? Heck no! In fact, I used to be so addicted to the idea of self-transformation that I actually ran a blog called Self Help Me, on which I…