Critical Essays

Time and Narrative Structure in Gina Berriault’s “The Infinite Passion of Expectation”

Time and Narrative Structure in Gina Berriault’s “The Infinite Passion of Expectation”

The first time I read Gina Berriault’s story “The Infinite Passion of Expectation,” I experienced it as an inundation. The plot is strange but simple: a young waitress goes on frequent walks with an eccentric, aging psychologist, who eventually asks her to marry him—she’s unsure. The psychologist lives an unconventional life; he shares his house…

Imagine Wanting Only This and the Subjectivity of Memoir

Imagine Wanting Only This and the Subjectivity of Memoir

Beginning with her childhood in Wisconsin and threading through her years in Chicago, Iowa, Kentucky, and numerous cities abroad, Kristen Radtke’s 2017 graphic memoir Imagine Wanting Only This chronicles her enduring obsession with ruins and the significance people find in them. Instigated by the premature death of her uncle, Radtke contrasts these “scooped-out places,” abandoned…

Laurie Colwin and the Power of Domesticity

Laurie Colwin and the Power of Domesticity

In Laurie Colwin’s short story “The Lone Pilgrim,” the unnamed narrator describes her longing for the domestic lives of others: “Oh, domesticity! The wonder of dinner plates and cream pitchers…We domestic sensualists live in a state of longing, no matter how comfortable your own places are.” What the narrator desires more than the jelly molds…