Critical Essays

painting by Mary Cassatt - Mother and Child (The Goodnight Hug)

The Chaotic Storm of Motherhood in Tomorrow We’ll Go to the Amusement Park

Ilana Bernstein’s 2018 novel is a portrait of a motherhood so demanding and a depression so immersive that it becomes impossible to tell which came first. Throughout the book, the symptoms of the narrator’s different conditions, including being a mother, become indistinguishable from one another, her emotions bleeding into one another.

side by side series of the cover fo beasts of a little land

Beasts of a Little Land’s Exploration of Survival

Juhea Kim’s debut novel tells about the years of Japanese rule in Korea—years of sometimes brutal oppression, starvation, and resistance—and its demise and aftermath. Through the novel’s omniscient third-person narrator, we see what each of these characters is willing to risk or sacrifice, whether for survival or some other purpose.