
Cover art for Noir by Robert Coover


Noir Robert Coover Overlook/Duckworth Books, November 2011 192 pages $14.00 This post was written by Lynne Weiss. It’s a perfect night. Wind, rain, gloomily overcast, the puddled reflections more luminous than the street lamps they reflect. You’re Philip M. Noir, and you’re looking for a story—or maybe you’re trying to find the story in a…

Cover art for Lost Memory of Skin by Russel Banks

Lost Memory of Skin

Lost Memory of Skin Russell Banks Ecco, September 2011 432 pages $25.99 Outside of freshman philosophy classes and Republican presidential debates, morality is not a hot topic these days. Books that moralize are considered old-fashioned at best and insulting at worst. Leave it to Russell Banks to write a subtle, thoughtful novel about what would…