My Last Post on Small Presses: Your Favorites

This will be my last post for Ploughshares on small presses. It’s been fun and I’ve learned a lot in the process myself.  I thought this would be a great opportunity to post about other small presses that readers have suggested. Since I’m an egalitarian type, I always wonder, who am I to make such strong assertions about what presses are interesting or should be featured? So here are a few of your suggestions since I’ve started posting:

1. Coconut Books: Editor Bruce Covey told me that authors include Denise Duhamel, Kimiko Hahn, Jen Boully, and Reb Livingston, to name a few. Some of this work looks really interesting. Keep an eye out for this one.

2. Tavern Books: The premise of Tavern Books is to keep books of literary vision always in print. They recently published Tomas Tranströmer’s Baltics, which makes me an instant fan!

3. Crab Orchard Review/Southern Illinois University Press: Being that this is my own press, I made sure not to mention it. But in this case, someone else did, so I must sing my praises. I absolutely love this press, Jon Tribble, and Allison Joseph. The thing I love most about this press is that they are not afraid to publish poets of different ethnicities. If you think about how few presses actually publish poets of color, you might discover that presses that publish one poet of color is rare enough, let alone many poets of color. I could go on and on about this press, but will end it here. Go buy their books, enter their contests, send poems to the literary journal.

Other presses mentioned to me were Blood Pudding Press, Birds of Lace, and Dancing Girl Press. I honestly don’t know much about any of these presses, but others like their work.

Hope you enjoyed my posts; I enjoyed writing them and interviewing interesting presses.


(Image from here.)