
Cover of Rediver

The Best Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “The Lost Caves of St. Louis” by Anne Valente

I’m not sure about anyone else, but I can remember feeling stuck as a kid. I was an impatient child (and now I’m an impatient adult). A summer then felt like an entire year. A two-hour trip to the store with my parents seemed to occupy an entire interminable afternoon. There were moments when I…

cover of Ru by Kim Thuy


Ru Kim Thúy (translated by Sheila Fischman) Bloomsbury USA, November 2012 160 pages $14.00 Nguyễn An Tinh was born into a wealthy Saigon family during the Tet Offensive, “when the long chains of firecrackers draped in front of houses exploded polyphonically along with the sound of machine guns.” She has a beautiful mansion, servants, and…

photograph of a beach at sunset with a choppy ocean

“He Had Crossed to Arrive There”: A Playlist for Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities

  Every time I read Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities I get something different from it.  Like NPR’s Eric Weiner writes, “I leave it, again and again, and yet never discover it—never really know it.” This latest reading, for me, boils down to one thing: the act of searching, of trying to grasp something that’s always…

black and white photograph of an old classroom, children sit in a circle with their teacher in front a blackboard with cursive writing across it

New Blog Feature: Writing Lessons

We’re excited to announce a new feature for the Ploughshares Blog geared towards writing students: “Writing Lessons.” In this feature writing students will discuss lessons learned, epiphanies about craft, and the challenges of studying writing. The exciting part of this feature is that we want to hear from you, writing students! What have you learned or…

cover of Harp Song for a Radical, the Life and Time of Eugene Victor Debs

Fantasy Blog Draft – Round 4 – Nonfiction Writers

In Round Four, the Fantasy Blog Draft Managers will set you free with the truth—this week they’re picking nonfiction writers. But the big question is where within the genre of nonfiction will their picks take them? Whence will this truth (or perhaps “truthiness”?) originate? Nonfiction is, arguably, the widest genre we have in writing. It…