
“What drew me to Lange was her desire to make lives of the unseen seen”: An Interview with Jasmin Darznik

“What drew me to Lange was her desire to make lives of the unseen seen”: An Interview with Jasmin Darznik

Jasmin Darznik’s second novel, which imagines the early adulthood of the famous photographer Dorothea Lange, tracks the revelation of Lange’s artistic ethos: photography, she comes to accept, is as much about the seer as it is about the seen.

“I absolutely wanted to present an upturned tale of exploration and resource gathering and success”: An Interview with Chang-rae Lee

“I absolutely wanted to present an upturned tale of exploration and resource gathering and success”: An Interview with Chang-rae Lee

Chang-rae Lee’s latest novel illuminates the complex economic and cultural exchange between East and West through humorous and often grotesque scenes that question norms of race, money, privilege, and consent.

“I used to think that I had to choose between the page and the musical aspect of it”: An Interview with Kelly Harris-DeBerry

“I used to think that I had to choose between the page and the musical aspect of it”: An Interview with Kelly Harris-DeBerry

Harris-DeBerry writes about freedom like someone who has felt the word in her mouth for years, felt the shape and sound of it, and has used the instruments of her voice and her page to translate it into something we can all understand.