Round-Up: Frankfurt Book Fair, Bob Dylan, and HENRY VI

Old Shakespeare book with yellowed pages.

From the rise in attendance at the Frankfurt Book Fair to the research that names Christopher Marlowe as a co-author of Henry VI, here are last week’s biggest literary headlines:

  • Bob Dylan’s Silence on Nobel Prize: After becoming the first musician to win the Novel Prize in Literature, Dylan has remained mostly silent. A brief reference to his award was added to his website but was then shortly taken down. There have been no public statements from him, and it is uncertain as to whether he will attend the ceremony to accept the award or not.
  • Oxford: The Oxford University Press will credit Christopher Marlowe, one of Shakespeare’s contemporary playwrights, as co-author of Henry VI in a New Oxford Shakespeare edition to be published this month. This decision comes after research by a team of twenty-three academics from five countries. The team used computerized tools that analyzed the texts and provided “empirical evidence” that Marlowe contributed to the play.