Roundup: Writer’s Block

In our Roundups segment, we’re looking back at all the great posts since the blog started in 2009. We explore posts from our archives as well as other top literary magazines, centered on a certain theme to help you jump-start your week. This week we have posts on writer’s block.

There’s a lot to be said about writer’s block, but I can’t think of how to articulate it right now…So I’ll let the masters of their craft do it. Let these posts help you recognize writer’s block and fend it off.

From Ploughshares:

  • A New Year’s resolution, a writing routine, a battle against writer’s block. Fan Wu chimes in.

From Around the Web:

  • Famous writers tell you how to prevent writer’s block in this article by Flavorwire…Barbara Kingsolver says, “Chain that muse to your desk and get the job done.”

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