David J. Daniels

Being Seen: Latinx and Queer Visibility at Writing Conferences

Being Seen: Latinx and Queer Visibility at Writing Conferences

Visibility isn’t a vague term. You either see Latinx and Queer writers or you don’t. I don’t want to believe that literary conferences deliberately exclude writers, but I do believe that an oversight is made when a conference planning committee doesn’t try to represent every aspect of the literary community.


“Bringing the Poem Back to the Actual”: An Interview with David J. Daniels

David J. Daniels writes poems that sneak up on you. Smart and worldly, emotional and funny, they convey a sense of life-as-it’s-lived: culture both high and low, our strivings and failings, the countless ways we let each other down and hold each other up. Because of the immediacy of voice and freshness of language, you…