
Imagine Wanting Only This and the Subjectivity of Memoir

Imagine Wanting Only This and the Subjectivity of Memoir

Beginning with her childhood in Wisconsin and threading through her years in Chicago, Iowa, Kentucky, and numerous cities abroad, Kristen Radtke’s 2017 graphic memoir Imagine Wanting Only This chronicles her enduring obsession with ruins and the significance people find in them. Instigated by the premature death of her uncle, Radtke contrasts these “scooped-out places,” abandoned…

Prose Like A River: The Rhythm of Landscape in Angela Palm’s Riverine

Prose Like A River: The Rhythm of Landscape in Angela Palm’s Riverine

When I was growing up in the Blue Ridge Mountains, I loved to picnic with family on the bank of Cove Creek and listen, while we smacked our lips from cherry cobbler, to the creek gulp itself. Hollows between rocks sloshed pell-mell down the current’s throat. Whirlpools gargled a leaf, then swished it free. The…