In a brief introduction to the last issue of
Ploughshares I guest-edited (Spring 1985, Vol. 11, No. 1), I noted that nearly twelve years had passed since the first issue I edited (Summer 1973, Vol. 1, No. 4) and that I’d be happy to do it again in another dozen years or so. Blink: a dozen years or so.
Even though this isn’t a “discovery” issue, you will find, among several well-known poets and fiction writers, many newer or younger writers, some appearing for the first time in a national magazine. I solicited poems and stories and an interview from writers whose work I know and like, but much more came in over the transom. This was one of the real pleasures in editing this issue. May the reader’s pleasure be half as great as mine.
If I’m lucky enough to reach the average age men die (about seventy-five) in our culture and maintain my current pace (and providing
Ploughshares management
asks me again), I should be able to do this two more times, say around 2010 and 2022. I do not advise holding your breath. I do hope, however, that some of these poems and stories, or the essay or interview, take your breath away.