Nobody’s Baby by Leo Litwak

Issue #97
Fall 2005

Philip Levine recommends
Nobody’s Baby, stories by Leo Litwak: “Leo Litwak, the author of the finest memoir of WWII combat I have read by an American,
The Medic, again demonstrates his superb gift for narrative in this astonishing collection of short stories,
Nobody’s Baby. His insights into the complex motives of human behavior and the effects we have on each other feel utterly true. In these largely urban stories, Litwak presents us with a fascinating collection of characters, people largely under stress, people with the ordinary daily courage to endure because they must. He can be outrageously comic in stories that finally make you weep. The prose moves with that necessity we associate with true poetry. It is so rare to encounter such mastery and such humility in the same book.” (El León Literary Arts)