
Mother’s Colors (Emerging Writer’s Contest Winner: NONFICTION)

In nonfiction, our winner is Billy Lezra, for their piece “Mother’s Colors.” This year’s nonfiction judge was Augusten Burroughs. Of the essay, he writes: “The writer deftly brings a lifetime of trauma and fractured communication with their mother into focus with gorgeous writing and sharp details, skillfully drawing a Madrid neighborhood as a character as…

Sharps & Flats

When I was seven years old, my parents noticed I had perfect pitch and could play almost anything by ear, so they started me on piano lessons. But I had trouble with my fingers: they were somehow never independent and my struggles to keep from bending two at a time made my wrists tighten. I…

The Missing Wreath: On JFK’s Grave & Mrs. Mellon’s Maquette

“Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation …” —Gravesite of President John F. Kennedy (1917–1963), Arlington National Cemetery (reinterment 1967), Quoting JFK’s Inaugural Address (1961) “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou heareth the sound thereof,…

Sink & Mirror

1. Lavabo y Espejo, by Antonio López García, is a painting of a bathroom sink and mirror. The sink, fused to the wall, floats. Its shadow grows west. The mirror above waits, empty, reflecting no person, only the square tiles of the opposite wall. On a transparent shelf between sink and mirror sit tools meant for…