
As Nooteboom Would Have It

Basho neither trusted nor distrusted the reeds. He was simply a poet on the way north. And being on the way north, he could choose to ignore them. That sound, after all— wind through them—was not the voice of a master. If there had been a master once, he was gone. Ah, to have loved…

Location, Location

A spider webbed the cellar doorway the morning of my cleaning spree, pale star with him floating at the center. And for all his meanness, bigness, blackness, I let him be, having once squashed ants, crushed butterflies, stalking field and sidewalk. Love, come late in life, had softened all my anger. His net spanned half …

Black Walnut

There’s a kind of leaving when you arrive even though it’s the place you’ve come from— how love can be alive There, though not for you, and while it’s like none of the first feelings, a recognition of what is passing flashes, itself passing—there were more deaths, but now there’s     only one, And what…

Goodbye Letter #6

translated by Lyn Coffin, with Leda Pugh Oh, pain will die, I swear, when I succeed in making a Myshkin of these tears to master agony, quietly, there where I burn with beautiful helpless need, where voices go mute, and feelings wake late, before finally disbanding. To smile (to reach understanding) just as He said….


translated by Kirk Nesset I’ll be an easy cadaver to carry through woods and over the sea; in a carriage, on a white ship, as the oboe laments, or bassoon, over the droning croaking of toads. I’ll be an innocent cadaver, quietly regarding my remains, while despite me a requiem sounds, the moan of a…

Reading the Torah

Sometimes in the fading winter light     that streaks my desk by six o’clock        revealing grains in aging oak, like desert sands, I imagine, before leaving my     shelved books to laze with those I love        before the easy flicker of some talk show on TV, that I stay back this time,    …

A Child’s Ark

Hot Los Angeles summer days, late ’50’s, a seven-year-old Shut in the tiny, midtown apartment on South Kingsley Drive, I’d flip on the TV to the black-and-white game shows, Rerun comedies, and half-hour detective dramas, Seeking company, avoiding the soaps, news, and cartoons. One of my favorites for a while was a show called Kideo…


1 He said it would always be what might have been, a city about to happen, a city never completed, one that disappeared with hardly a trace, inside or beneath the outer city, making the outer one— the one in which we spend our waking hours— seem pointless and dull. It would always be a…