Editor's Shelf

Open Water by Maria Flook

Gail Mazur recommends Open Water, a novel by Maria Flook (Pantheon): “Maria Flook’s people in Open Water are the product of her full-hearted embrace of an American kind of nuttiness and a zest for their strange self-induced troubles. The margin, which is their habitat, is wildly, deliciously drawn by a writer of enormous intelligence and…

Liver by Charles Harper Webb

Maura Stanton recommends Liver, poems by Charles Harper Webb: ” Liver, winner of the Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry, is a book you can read cover to cover with astonishing delight. The poems are witty, imaginative, stylistically sophisticated, and completely accurate about life on a planet crowded with billions of others like you. Buy this…

I Love Dick by Chris Kraus

Fanny Howe recommends I Love Dick, a first novel by Chris Kraus: “A highly charged description of an obsession with an indifferent man named Dick, this unfolds as a brilliant intertextual document-feminist and contemporary in all its anxieties and passions. Important!” (Semiotexte)

If the Tiger by Terry Farish

Andre Dubus recommends If the Tiger, a novel by Terry Farish (Steerforth): “Ms. Farish has written a taut, fast-paced novel about the young daughter of a pilot in the Gulf War and a young woman who is a Cambodian refugee. In New Hampshire and Lowell, Massachusetts, the young women are in flight from the Cambodian…