Look 2 Essay

Charlotte Smith

Early in April of 1784, behind the grime-streaked walls of King’s Bench Prison in south London, a twenty-nine-year-old Charlotte Smith received news of her first publication. The poet wasn’t locked away on her own account. When Charlotte was fifteen, her father had arranged for her marriage to Benjamin Smith, the twenty-three-year-old son of a successful…

Olivia’s Journal, with Keynote

Olivia curtailed her sleeping hours to fix what’s wrong some weeks before her trip. Okay, she admits on the page, it’s been a one-month slog with VISA through salons.   Last night, anonymous friend and she, in lace, race to a corner where someone shouts out a window, “Congratulations.” They call back, “We’re married but…

Musings on Life

Coyote howls outside the patio door. 3 a.m. and someone’s out of bed turning on lights, checking windows and rain starting to sound against the skylights.   When we stirred the creature vanished.   Isn’t that the way even here at the cusp of the arroyo? Just as when the lizard with its stumpy tail…

Eye Surgery

First a warm blanket and a voice called Joy. Then oxygen, a faint smell, and a finger monitor.   A stick at the wrist and pressure, a clear-coil tube. Then a voice called Tan and something pumped.   And a thick paper packet like a vest with an eye hole. Then nothing but every-colored wallpaper…

Introduction to Letter from a Place I’ve Never Been: New and Collected Poems, 1986-2020 by Hilda Raz

I have long admired the immediacy and spontaneity that merges with a distancing tone of voice in the poetry of Hilda Raz—that ability she has to tell something of the everyday and make it tough, to move through the discursive to imagistic lyric all in one poem, and especially across books. It’s that “I’m as…

Doing Good and Making Trouble: A Look at Helen Hunt Jackson

Every spring since 1923, thousands of playgoers have attended an open-air performance known as the Ramona Pageant in the San Jacinto foothills near Hemet, California. Mexican music echoes throughout the natural amphitheater as Native Americans dance and chant, the US cavalry charges in, and Franciscan priests pray for them all. Nearly 400 costumed volunteers enact…