

Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, The Art of Falconry 1. Of the oil gland . . . Of the down . . .       Of the numbers and arrangement of feathers in the wing . . . I have seen             on the plains of Apulia how the birds in earliest spring were weak       and scarcely able to…

Bitch Diary

Porco cane! Another day breaks with a gunshot and a chorus of yelping bloodhounds after boar. I ache to join in, but stay quiet, loyal dog-pig that I am. Pig-dog. Purebred cur in a pen: Sono io. The hunt’s trained out of me. Bark and growl, the baser instincts, I renounced them long ago. My…


after Lena Cronqvist Whose girls are these, Lena, yours, mine, ours, everyone’s? So many deny them (Oh, no, not more of those!) Often your sister Sometimes another girl Always your parents (For me dark is normal) Is it conceivable your parents or my own actually could have done anything deserving of how the girls treat…

Night Hunting

Because we wanted things the way they were in our minds’ black eyes we waited. The beaver raising ripples in a vee behind his head the thing we wanted. A weed is what might grow where you don’t want it; a dahlia could be a weed, or love, or other notions. The heart can’t choose…

Danger: Tulips

Hoping to find my way to the river, wide with April’s rain, and to see, perhaps, a few wildflowers, and maybe a cardinal whistling in a blossoming tree, I took a path I’d never taken before, first through woods and then a sloping meadow, across a fast stream, then into another meadow, above whose green…

Blue, and Calling

The blinds of midnight are your hands saved from freezing. Such is the heart, and that pause, the somber hollow beneath. Sweet prophet, I name you and your ancestors fidget. I say your temples spill with losses and your shadow bursts with laughing. I say morning thickens with peregrines, flowing soft above the waves, flowing…

Long Street

translated from the Polish by Clare Cavanagh Thankless street—little dry goods stores like sentries in Napoleon’s frozen army; country people peer into shop windows and their reflections gaze back at the dusty cars; Long Street trudging slowly to the suburbs, while the suburbs head for the center. Lumbering trams groove the street, scentless perfume shops…