
from Continuous Journal

     My basic continuous ‘work-in-progress' consists of a dozen or so simultaneous channels, which I draw upon in succession, daily. The channels are: dreams; sexual fantasies; sexual occasions; found images; improvisations and observations; first imagery notes (all these are in single spacing); prose drafts (1 ½ spacing); first verse drafts (single spacing); intermediary verse drafts (alternating…

Finding Her

—The mind asks the question; the heart is hurt by the unknown; you didn't have to take care of the dead one for she could still love what came forth though it seemed to you like suffering— too hard for you? Listen. You don't have to do anything. The raccoon is in the garbage can,…

Manhattan Farewell

I don't have any grand theoretical scheme into which I'm going to fit these six poems, but I know the theme I want the sequence to crystallize around. This is the hallucinatory savagery of life in New York City, the spectacular contrasts and the squalor of those caught on the margins. The sequence will also…

from Mandala: Two Birds

bound in friendship nest in a single tree. One watches the world. The other feeds on sweet fruit. The Self, weary of pecking about, sinks into despair. Through meditation, personal self comprehends impersonal self: The Spirit soars! When Sage and Spirit are united, Lingam and yoni, good and evil Vanish: they are one. Only in…

Why I Am Not a Jew

Saint-Julien de Peyrolas Gard 18 October 1941 Mr Xavier Vallat Commissioner for Jewish Affairs Vichy Sir:      I must take you to be in some way my superior;      for while I have not yet come to grasp what now      is thought to be a Jew, I must hear the silence      that met my request, for a…