
Once More O Ye Etc.

In what heaven or hell do you, Bob, booze? If heaven, there’s gin sempiternal, you wake on a cloud press a button and an angel comes in with an enchanting tinkle or, if you’re allowed in the Elysian Fields (why not? you boozed an epic amount), you’ll wander till you find that stream of gin,…

Lines Composed At Hope Ranch

Twist away the gates of steel — Devo O wide blossom-splashed private drives Along which sullen mouthed little guys In motorized surreys Ride shotgun over spectacular philodendra! O paradise of zombies! O terminal antipathy to twist And shout! O hotel sized garages Inside which smoothly tooled imported motors Purr like big pussies under long polished…

Cleaning The Fish

Mom says she won’t; we’ll have to clean them, though she used to do it when I fished with dad. Dad’s illness wore her down; I think she felt relief after he died, and didn’t mourn him long enough before she married Sam. I know there is an art to cleaning fish. In ancient times,…

Heureux Qui

I. Happy we when our footnote tells us “Hercules was a legendary hero of ancient Greece.” I had supposed him Lord of the Admiralty President of IBM the Man Who Made the Bomb latest sensation in the rock constellation a Dior creation a Mafia bum. II. Happy the college kid who can read clonked on…

Free Lance

The quest for winter sunshine washes The gasping survivor up on the shore Much that’s done isn’t meant Much that’s meant isn’t done I take it up & at the beck & call Of some remote agency I stick it in & when it’s over I pull it out again Like the bloody assegai of…

wedding bells in 100 words

     she came. i went. i walked. i saw. she sang. she spat. i came.      she ran. she spoke. i climbed. she left. i bloomed.      i walked. she ran. i laughed. she cried. she played. i woke. she      groaned. i sang. she gasped. i shrieked. she yelped. i barked. she growled.      i moved. she sat. she…

Trying To Believe

There’s nothing gentle where Aphrodite was. Empty mountain and grasshoppers banging into me. Maybe there never was. But I go up again and again to search under thorn bushes and rocks. Am grateful for the marble upper arm big as my thumb. A shard with a man’s feet and a shard with the feet of…