
Mary’s Eulogy

Night. His arm stretches against dark and the pouch I carry without grace or mystery is lighter. We are young but each child will take more my youth than his. (Little one, you hold to me like a swimmer. I balance preciously for you.) There are no miracles in our lives. We couple sometimes and…

Learning Experience

     Smash! All of us looked up from our roast lamb and new potatoes. Grandmother had dropped a plate. Or rather, as those of us who hadn’t been poking about in the watery creamed spinach had noticed, she had hurled her plate to the floor. Or rather, as a moment’s reflection taught us, she had in…

The Mother

Children, she said, you are my children. What I mean to say is I’m going off in the woods to be alone. I want you to understand I’ve got to get away to think and touch my body with my own hands when I’m alone with no threats. You are my children and I was…

Mary’s Soliloquy

My vigils are unnecessary: you seldom stir. I am lucky to have such a child. Asleep, your breath is moist and carefully I undress you. Your flesh is precious, my only wealth. I caress you with the awe of a disciple. Your nakedness shines in the dark. Son— I am afraid of you. Growing bigger…


My mother, whom I know only from the outside, gave birth to four of us. I see my three sisters from the outside, but I cannot see myself from the outside, though I am of the four. Why is that? To stand alone in my dark store staring through my fenestras is to be singular…

At the Orange Mansion

Charlie Chan ponders the steamer trunk as wisps of seaweed fall from its lock . . . like the hair of a mermaid, thought his son: “Fugacious hints, pop; nothing here but cockroaches.” Detective Jones was impressed. Charlie was not. After all, Jimmy’s education cost seven murders Embarrassed, Jimmy mumbled: “Gee pop, this rash of…

The Facts

I am conducting a writing workshop where I tell the students to put down in absolutely straight language something so present it flames from the page. Only the facts, I say, but literature, not journalism. Someone asks, may I work from a newsbreak at the scene on my transistor now, the police breaking down a…

Completeness of Nowhere

The luxury of avoiding the inevitable disappears unharmed. *     *      * the greenness of the night is false to the green of the lawn he said. The thickness of the air is illegitimate if you live in my closet she purred. If you were to travel from this point to anywhere you wouldn’t be here he…