Fall 2013


Guest Editor


The Fall 2013 issue of Ploughshares, guest-edited by Peter Ho Davies. Ploughshares is an award-winning journal of new writing. Two out of each year’s three issues are guest-edited by prominent writers who explore different personal visions, aesthetics, and literary circles, with the Winter issue staff-edited.

Award-winning novelist and short-story writer Peter Ho Davies (The Welsh Girl, Equal Love) compiles this fiction issue of Ploughshares. The issue features a wide diversity of styles—from Jo Lloyd’s story of being young and broke in London, to V.V. Ganeshananthan’s description of the death of a Sri Lankan terrorist, to Carolyn Ferrell’s footnoted satire about members of an African-American community turning into zombies, each piece covers original ground and uses its own narrative strategies. “This is the thrill I found in each of these stories,” Davies writes in his Introduction, “the sense that they spoke to me alone.”

The issue also features Elise Levine’s essay on deep-sea diving, and Robert Anthony Siegel’s appreciation of the Japanese writer Kawabata Yasunari.

Additional information




Issue Number


Publication Date

2013-08-14 00:00:00


Fall 2013 Vol. 39.3



Publication Date

August 14, 2013


Product Type

Digital, Print