
Regular Reading Period: June 1 – January 15

Ploughshares welcomes unsolicited submissions of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction during our regular reading period, open from June 1 to January 15 at noon EST. The literary journal is published four times a year: blended poetry and prose issues in the Winter and Spring, a prose issue in the Summer, and a special longform prose issue in the Fall. Our Spring and Summer issues are guest-edited by different writers of prominence. To submit to the journal, including the Fall Longform Issue, please see our guidelines here.

Our Look2 essay series seeks to publish essays about under-appreciated or overlooked writers. The Look2 essay should take stock of a writer’s entire oeuvre with the goal of bringing critical attention to the neglected writer and his or her relevance to a contemporary audience. To submit a Look2 essay query to the journal, see the guidelines here.

Emerging Writer’s Contest: March 1 – May 15

In the spirit of the journal’s founding mission, the Ploughshares Emerging Writer’s Contest recognizes work by an emerging writer in each of three genres: fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. One winner in each genre per year will receive $2,000 and publication in the literary journal. We consider authors “emerging” if they haven’t published or self-published a book in any genre. The 2025 contest—judged by R. O. Kwon in fiction, Joshua Bennett in poetry, and Elisa Gabbert in nonfiction—is now open.