Belief as an Ocean Landscape (Emerging Writer’s Contest Winner: POETRY)
From you, I was born, my body
an isosceles triangle made
with two equal
sides of longing:
what is given and what is prayed for,
these pining lengths
yoked together by the latitude
of a risen country
I have never visited.
I imagine the view from the ocean
is your body, and your body
is the tree struck down,
because it is true that we are kingdoms
born already holding the things
we love, the things which
will unmake us.
When I was young, I only knew
your nation of towers, every
holy pinnacle
a wild deer to marvel at.
I prostrated before the wind,
ya ali, ya ali, ya ali…
but now how the ocean dips
next to Swahili coast, revealing
the flatlands, revealing how belief
is also a plot of land
on which we create
the ruminants we love.