Search Results for: translation


Hannah didn’t realize her father was a person who needed to be married, like a philopatric sea animal, until after the divorce. “He’s a nurse shark,” her mother explained. “No matter what, they always go back to the Dry Tortugas.” Hannah didn’t know what her mother meant, but she suspected her father now preferred his…

The Catch: On Translation

I draw you out, faint voice, from rippled pages: a famished angler reeling in a fish, the kind that, in the folktale, grants a wish— a golden thing, imbued with living magic.   Between us is the taut line of attention, imperiled by the current and the wind. Slowly but willfully, I reel you in….

side by side series of the cover of Blood and Guts in High School

The Overlooked Mistranslations in Blood and Guts in High School

Kathy Acker’s infamous novel includes a section titled “The Persian Poems,” which pairs words written in Farsi alongside their translations in English. What has largely gone unrecognized is that Acker has deliberately mistranslated specific words, bringing an entirely new meaning to this passage, Acker’s craft, and the reader’s internalization of power.

side by side series of the cover of A SinkingShip Is Still a Ship

“If somebody translates your poem and you consider going back to revise it, that’s a good translation.”: An Interview with Ariel Francisco

Francisco’s newest book, presented simultaneously in English and Spanish, is that of a young poet matured, leaning into the naturalist observations present in his previous work and writing haiku with the precision and wisdom of a sure-handed veteran—while infusing them with a trademark sardonic wit.

The Readers: Scott Esposito and the Redemptive Powers of Translation

The Readers: Scott Esposito and the Redemptive Powers of Translation

We misunderstand each other and we pull away. Even within one language like English, words mean different things to different people, and we gravitate towards those who use this meaning-making technology as we do. Some people struggle to differentiate between systemic issues and issues of personality. The quest for a purer communication continues.