Author: Leslie Jill Patterson

In Bookstores Near You: OUR HEARTS WILL BURN US DOWN by Anne Valente

In Bookstores Near You: OUR HEARTS WILL BURN US DOWN by Anne Valente

Anne Valente’s debut novel, Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down, does not begin with the shattering moment when Caleb Raynor enters Lewis and Clark High School and opens fire—a moment that surely warrants the dimming of the lights, the rising of a curtain. But no, in Valente’s narrative, the shooting has already happened; it’s what gives her tale the sense of in medias res.

In Bookstores Near You: The Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks about Race ed. by Jesmyn Ward

In Bookstores Near You: The Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks about Race ed. by Jesmyn Ward

Jesmyn Ward introduces The Fire This Time, an anthology of essays and poems of witness and dissent, by expressing her own commingled dismay and hope regarding race relations in America. This book, she says, gathers “the great thinkers and extraordinary voices” of her generation to consider racism, both subtle and egregious.