Author: Rebecca Makkai

How to Win AWP

How to Win AWP

I’ve always felt that AWP* could be livened up by a conference-long game of Paintball Assassin. Until that happens, here’s some other stuff to try: The Book Fair Bartering Game: Start with free swag. Something cool, like a box of matches with a chapbook cover on it. Find the bored grad student tending another booth….

Ten writers to watch for. No, seriously, watch the hell out for these writers.

Ten writers to watch for. No, seriously, watch the hell out for these writers.

There are writers to watch for, and then there are writers to watch out for. A sampling of the latter, for your safety: 10) Jack Hogue is a great guy, but if you listen to him for more than five minutes, you’ll believe the publishing world, if not the world itself, has come to an…

You’re So Vain, You Probably Think this Post is About You

You’re So Vain, You Probably Think this Post is About You

A friend once asked if I’d based the guinea pig (mentioned, but offstage) in my first novel on his daughter’s imaginary friend (of whom I’d never heard tell). In his defense: they had the same, unusual name. In my defense: ?!@&?#*%? Maybe people want novels to be true. Maybe they want to be in those…

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Fiction: Let’s Get Out of the Restaurant

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Fiction: Let’s Get Out of the Restaurant

  “I need to tell you something,” he said. He twirled his spaghetti around his fork. She sipped her wine. “What is it?” “Well.” He shoved the tangle of spaghetti in his mouth and chewed. She fiddled with her spoon. Suddenly, the waitress appeared. She had a grease stain on her apron. Her nametag read…