Critical Essays

the book cover for Hashtag Good Guy With a Gun

Hashtag Good Guy With a Gun’s Unsettling Portrayal of the Dark Cells of the Internet

Jeff Chon’s 2020 novel creates the impression that we cannot help but be immersed in the very toxic culture being satirized and critiqued. We feel the discomfiting sense that we are operating on someone else’s turf—and we aren’t likely to find our way out anytime soon.

side by side series of the cover of Living Nations, Living Words

Mapmaking and Living Nations, Living Words: An Anthology of First Peoples Poetry

Joy Harjo’s signature project as the twenty-third U.S. Poet Laureate is one of mapmaking: gathering poems by forty-seven Native Nations poets in a cartography of voice. This poetic map acknowledges other maps of colonial violence and erasure, and while poetry can offer no full answer to the pain, it can bear witness.

the book covers for 300 Arguments, Heating & Cooling, and The Crying Book

The Artful Arrangement of 300 Arguments, Heating & Cooling, and The Crying Book

Sarah Manguso, Beth Ann Fennelly, and Heather Christle show that what may at first look like fragments are instead distillations of memories, emotions, and experience—made stronger by their brevity and turned into something whole through their painstaking arrangement.