
The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “Help Wanted” by Robert Lopez

The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “Help Wanted” by Robert Lopez

The opening sentence of many stories goes as follows: I was (insert ordinary activity) when (insert extraordinary occurrence). This setup prepares the reader for a story in which something strange will happen to a character with a fairly conventional life and perspective, most likely altering that character for life. In the flash fiction piece “Help…


The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week: “Honeymoon Bandits” by Nick Fuller Googins

The primary thread of the Robin Hood myth could be distilled to this: a group of ardent citizens use illegal activities to battle crooked authorities on behalf of powerless citizens. In “Honeymoon Bandits” (Willow Springs) Nick Fuller Googins captures the present day complexities of civil (and uncivil) disobedience, from the perspective of a small town…

Join or Die Benjamin Franklin
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NOTES ON THE STATE OF VIRGINIA: Journey to the Center of an American Document, Queries II and III

This is the second installment of a year-long journey through Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia. Here’s the first installment. ** Query II: A notice of its rivers, rivulets, and how far they are navigable Query III: A notice of the best Seaports of the State, and how big are the vessels they…

Firefly and Beowulf’s “Reavers from Hell” as the Dark Side of Human Nature

Firefly and Beowulf’s “Reavers from Hell” as the Dark Side of Human Nature

In Seamus Heaney’s acclaimed translation of Beowulf, the narrator describes Grendel and his mother’s fearsome raids, declaring that no one is safe “where these Reavers from Hell roam on their errands.” This was by far the most high-profile usage of the word “reaver,” an otherwise obscure and obsolete term for a plunderer; that is, until Joss…

Only A Novelist Will Be Able To Make Sense of This Election

Only A Novelist Will Be Able To Make Sense of This Election

Years from now, the uncertainty and accompanying anxiety many of us have about the current political season may be displaced by different, more complicated emotions. Such perspective is cold comfort to the millions who are fearful of a possible Donald Trump presidency. For four years we have known that 2016 would usher in a new…