
(My) 10 Rules For APIA/Hapa Fiction: A Brief Ars Prosae Asianae

(My) 10 Rules For APIA/Hapa Fiction: A Brief Ars Prosae Asianae

Like the Bechdel Test, these ten rules should be treated as the first critical lens that APIA readers (can) use to call out and contest orientalism in publishing while also serving as a mandatory metric by which all readers (can) hold APIA writing accountable as well as the presses that publish those works by and about us.

Donald Trump speaking behind a podium reading "Trump Pence" in front of a crowd

Plurality Trumps Homogeneity: Listening to Different Voices Makes Us Great Again

From its bloody beginnings to its glorious establishment, America has always been a country of immigrants, of diverse groups, of different skin tones and dialects, of the tired and poor. What made America great, and what could make America great again, is this multitudinous quality, this possibility, this richness of variety.

A Blackout By Any Other Name

A Blackout By Any Other Name

A year and a half ago, most of Turkey lost power. 80 of its 81 provinces, excluding Van, suddenly had no electricity. Since power outages in Istanbul are fairly frequent, that morning as I was out helping my then boyfriend get a tax number in central Istanbul, the lack of electricity around us was more of an annoyance than news until I went on Twitter to see how long the cut would last.